
Poke-O-Moonshine Mountain in the Adirondacks


We try to capture the most relevant local environmental issues and present the facts as they are in hopefully an unbiased and straightforward manner. At our Executive Committee meeting previous to the quarterly newsletter we discuss what issues should be covered and sometimes which issues are not ripe or relevant to many of our members. The most enjoyable part for me is that we don't pull any punches when we see polluters or others trying to greenwash their way out of an environmental problem that they have caused or been involved in. We have managed to continue to mail out physical copies of the newsletter during COVID. If you would like to receive only the electronic copy, contact Pete at the address below.


Contact: Pete Sheehan, Editor -

Check out our most recent newsletters below!

Jan - Mar 2024 Sierra Club Hudson Mohawk Newsletter

Oct - Dec 2023 Sierra Club Hudson Mohawk Newsletter

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